Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Pop Culture 2015

Hello Fellow Classmates!  As you can see, I chose Facebook as my artifact of Popular Culture.  Everyone knows what it is, even if they do not use it.  Some have strong opinions about it and others are rather blase'.  Some use it for communicating with people from their past and catching up.  Some use Facebook for posting pics of family so other family members who are not in the vicinity can keep in touch and view pics.  Some air their very dirty laundry and cause drama, some only post happy news and thoughts.  Regardless, just about everyone from approximately age 8 to 78 and more are aware of it.  

I read key points for this week and am answering these questions even though we were only instructed to consider them as we read.

What is popular culture, and what does it mean to you?

In my opinion, I feel that popular culture consists of relative, universal things referenced in our society for whatever group you hang out with or deal with on a daily basis.  I could reference a Frank Zappa song and although it may have been universal and would be understood by peers of my age, a young person today may not have ever heard of him.  I believe that popular culture does span years and years of universal terms, slang words, speech etc, however, it is also relative. 

Why is an understanding of popular culture relevant to you in a business environment and in your present and future career.  

I believe it would be in the area of communication.  Whether using the latest "it words" or understanding references made in the workplace.  You need to stay relevant.  I have a staff that range in age from mid twenties to mid sixties.  I need to be cognizant of references I make that some may understand and others won't.  I don't want to exclude anyone or make them or myself feel irrelevant and "out of the loop".  If someone says "What day is it?" on a Wednesday, I would expect the reference would be universal, even if by accident, from the Geico commercials. All people want to be able to relate and have a common ground with which to build on.  I have also found that pop culture may be in reference to the latest tool everyone is using, like Facebook, Instagram, or snap chat.  They are important social tools that are used by many and at least some knowledge of them should be there, even if only in reference and not is actual usage. 


  1. I agree Facebook and other forms of social media are great examples of pop culture. They allow people to post their concerns, feelings, voice their opinions or just about anything that would do with what's popular or not in today's society. Sites such as Facebook are so widely used in today's culture that police/sheriffs departments are using it to put out missing children and wanted pictures with faster results. Need to know the latest trend? Check Facebook. Want to know what kids today are really going through and what they will tell everyone but their parents? Check facebook. This is probably one of the biggest pop culture icons at this time, just due to the vast majority that uses it.

  2. I agree Donald! I know that now most employers are using Facebook and most other social media applications for potential job candidates. I hope everyone remembers that when they are airing their very dirty laundry sometimes. lol

  3. Facebook is an excellent reference to pop culture as everyone knows what it is even if they don't utilize it. I also find it interesting that it has seemed to far outlast it's predecessor, MySpace, and I can't help but wonder when the "next best thing" will emerge. It seems that the younger generation has migrated more to Twitter and Instagram types of social media, but Facebook is still going strong.

  4. I so agree with you on Facebook. If you don't use Facebook, people look at you like your crazy. Companies use Facebook to promote their product, their brand. People are calling of work by posting on Facebook (how funny is that). I do not get on Facebook that much, I don't want people to know everything about me.
    Nice Blog
